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F |
FaceThe face is the smooth or waffled surface of a hammer that strikes a nail. | |
Face grainFace grain is the the pattern of wood grain as seen from the face of the board | |
Fall arrestFall arrest is asafety system that will stop a worker's fall before the worker hits the surface below | |
Fasciaa vertical finish board located at the eave edge of a roof | |
FeatherTo feather is aroller or brush technique that requires a lift at the end of a stroke to taper the paint on a wet edge | |
FenceThe fence is a raised edge on a speed square that rests against the material being marked for accurate reference. | |
Fence lockA fence lock is a saw featureused to clamp the fence tight to the table to prevent movement once it is in position for a cut | |
FerruleA ferrule is a metal band used to fasten the bristles to the handle of a paint brush | |
FilamentsFilaments are synthetic bristles made of nylon or polyester usually pointed or tipped to produce a better finish | |
is a material used to level a small hole or void in a surface | |