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C |
CarrierThe carrier is the liquid component of the paint that allows the solids to mix and flow and be applied in a film. The carrier dries or evaporates to leave a hardened paint coat | |
CartridgeThe cartridge is a round tube with a pointed end used to hold and distribute caulk | |
Cat's pawA cat’s paw is a sharp ended prying tool for digging out and removing flushed or inset fasteners | |
CaulkCaulk is a type of sealant used to fill a crack, seam or joint
to improve its appearance or make it watertight | |
Caulk beadA bead is a line of caulk applied to a joint or seam | |
Caulk gunA caulk gun is a simple tool that holds caulk cartridges for applying precision beads to joints and seams | |
Chalk lineA chalk line is a speed marking tool for making long straight lines | |
ChargeThe charge is thecontents of a fire extinguisher under pressure that smothers a flame when released. | |
Charging stationA charging station is anElectrical device for recharging the battery pack used for cordless tools | |