Thursday, February 6, 2025, 11:38 AM
Site: Trade Skills U
Course: Trade Skills U (
Glossary: Glossary


The claw is a ‘V’ shaped component made to fit around a nail shank and catch on the nail head for removal of the fastener


A cleanout is an access port in a trap or drain pipe that provides access for clearing an obstruction. 


A clutch is an adjustable feature on a drill allowing the motor to engage and release from the chuck at a specific torque

Coarse thread

Coarse threads have fewer threads per inch for faster driving of screws and more bite in materials like wood


A Coating is a thin covering for a fastener that adds performance to it (ex. Weather resistance, more holding power, etc.)

Coil nailer

A coil nailer is a type of nailer used for roofing, siding, and fencing that uses fasteners that are spiral collated with large head nails  

Collated nails

Collated nails are fasteners held together in a series with plastic or wire strips


Combustible is a term to describematerial in a liquid or solid form that will ignite at a flashpoint of over 100 degrees

Common joist

A common joist is a full-length joist component placed on layout at regular intervals between the rim joists. Common joists are always identical lengths in a floor frame.

Common stud

A common stud is a full-length vertical framing component placed on layout at regular intervals between the top and bottom plates. Common studs are always identical lengths in a wall panel.